List of Destination Dos or Don'ts
  1. Use limited water mostly during showering, especially in remote areas. Maximum 7-10 minutes for showering.
  2. Turn off the taps and shower if not in use.
  3. Don’t drink directly from any water sources. Ask your guide if you can drink or not before use.
  4. Carry a water bottle with you all the time.
  5. Avoid littering public places and dispose waste in trash cans or dustbins.
  6. Avoid using plastics or polythene bags.
  7. Don’t buy any flora and fauna which are endangered.
  8. Instead of Elephant Riding go for Jeep Safari.
  9. Follow proper and modest dress code when entering the temples or monuments.
  10. Take off shoes when entering temples and monuments.
  11. Seek permission while entering the Hindu Temples as some prohibits westerners or non-Hindus from entering.
  12. Walk around the monuments in clockwise.
  13. Avoid smoking near or in public places.
  14. Don’t buy drugs or psychotropic substances, they are illegal in Nepal.
  15. There are sign boards for photography. Don’t take photos of people without their consent. Ask your guides before taking photos.
  16. Ask your guide if it is better to donate or not during the trip. You can decide whether to tip or not. (Better than gratitude is to buy necessary thing to the people in need)
  17. Don’t give chocolates or sweets or money to children.
  18. Carry your passport, important documents, cash and medicine by in a secure way. Pickpocketing can be common in some places and your guide will inform you.
  19. Try local food and local products during your trip.
  20. Learn some Basic Nepali words, Namaste (Hello or goodmorning), Dhanyabaad (thank you), Chaina or Hoina (No), Hajur or Ho (Yes), Ramro (Nice or good).
  21. Inform your guide about your allergies and health issues before leaving for the trip.
  22. Don’t touch anything with your feet, it is considered offensive in Nepalese culture.
  23. Namaste is a common act by putting your palm together in prayer gesture to greet anyone.
  24. Hugging, cuddling and kissing in public places is not appropriate in Nepalese culture.
  25. Using right hand or both hands while receiving or giving things. Left hand is considered uncivilized.
  26. Respect local people culture, tradition and value.
  27. Never point with a single finger at temples and people, it is considered offensive in Nepal.
  28. Don’t eat from the common pot and shared drinking bottles.
"Pema and his team are true professionals. Everything ran smoothly and everyone was very friendly. Pema’s extensive experience and relationships in the region make him the best in the business .There is no other guide I would rather trek with."

Teryl Brouillette, Canada

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